Correlation Between Measurable Facial expressions, Emotions, Usability, and Performance, a Preliminary Study

Date: 2024-06-10 to 2024-07-31Role: Researcher, Developer, Designer As part of a research internship at the University of Oviedo, together with Katerina Boni, I wrote a paper examining the relationship between facial expressions and website usability using the Facial Action Coding System (FACS) to analyze specific facial muscle movements (Action Units or AUs). Participants completed tasks… Continue reading Correlation Between Measurable Facial expressions, Emotions, Usability, and Performance, a Preliminary Study

Evaluating the Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Completeness of GPT-Generated Information Security Policies

As my final thesis in Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University, I, together with Måns Strandberg, wrote a paper examining how well AI-generated information security policies compare to those written by human experts. Read the full paper here. Abstract [en] This paper evaluates the efficiency, effectiveness, and completeness of information security policies (ISPs) generated… Continue reading Evaluating the Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Completeness of GPT-Generated Information Security Policies

A Study That Connects Bounded Rationality and Information Security

As my final thesis in Business Administration at Stockholm University, I, together with Caroline Larsson, wrote a paper examining the decision-making processes surrounding information security inside Swedish governmental organizations. Read the full paper here. Abstract [en] This study investigates the impact of bounded rationality on information security decisions in public Swedish authorities. The research addresses… Continue reading A Study That Connects Bounded Rationality and Information Security