I developed the idea, concept and business case for Genius, a HR/Recruitment tool to help organisations understand their own biases, power structures, recruitment processes and diversity. The concept was produced as a part of module in a certified leadership course. Deliverables included a pitch deck, business model, design, logotype, prototype, mockups, and overall business strategy… Continue reading Genius
Tag: Design
Food Waste Challenge
The Food Waste Challenge is a food waste idea competition, accelerating ideas battling food waste. I’m one of the project leaders behind the initiative. I’ve been involved in everything from idea and concept development to fundraising, and website & branding material.
A startup idea developed together with two co-founders. Doglas is your pet companion to help you take care of your best friend. My role in the project has been head of product. I’ve translated the business strategy into a consumer-facing product design. All designs, logos, icons, and screens are my own designs.
Värdebaserade verktygslådan
After attending the leadership course Värdebaserat Ledarskap, I wanted to make the tools, processes, and methods we were taught available to a larger audience. I came up with the concept for vbvl.se launched in less than 1 hour.
Action Against Corona
Actionagainstcorona.org is a platform developed by Norrsken Foundation to support and accelerate initiatives working on mitigating the negative societal effects of the COVID19 pandemic. The concept and platform was launched in less than 48h. My role in the project was designing and project managing the development of the digital platform that allows entrepreneurs to post… Continue reading Action Against Corona
Volunteer platform
Actionagainstcorona.org is a platform developed by Norrsken Foundation to support and accelerate initiatives working on mitigating the negative societal effects of the COVID19 pandemic. The concept and platform was launched in less than 48h. My role in the project was to project manage the development and launch of the volunteer platform that allows entrepreneurs to… Continue reading Volunteer platform
Restaurant jump
I developed the concept for Restaurant Jump as a part of an online course I took while running my own business. The brief given to us was to create a concept that would increase shopping and spending in local businesses. Deliverables included designs, prototypes, logo, business idea, and business strategy.
Bundle shop
I developed the concept for Bundle Shop as a part of an online course I took while running my own business. The brief given to us was to create a concept that would increase shopping and spending in local businesses. The concept won a competition and was presented to the local municipality of Karlskrona as… Continue reading Bundle shop
Concepts and business ideas developed for TV4 during an innovation sprint hosted over 3 days. Me and my team developed two business concepts to drive more revenue within streaming and presented to a team of executives at TV4.
Interactive art installation
An interactive art installation developed during my studies at Hyper Island. The installation invited attendees to create music and visual expressions using their own bodies as well as physical tablets controlling sound, volume and visuals. Deliverables included concept development, Arduino programming, audio design, visual design, laser cutting, camera rigging and programming, and 3D printing.